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电话: 13763206793
姓名: rita(郭小姐)
Dongguan Unihank Industrial Ltd

  睿恒实业有限公司成立于2006年,位于广东省东莞市,广东省。它是***于同行业中的3D开拓者,3D眼镜,3D设备的高新技术企业。 睿恒3D影院偏光镜,司机夜视镜,家庭影院立体3D眼镜,各种时尚眼镜畅销世界。 欢迎广大客户朋友来电来函咨询!...

主要产品/业务: Unihank Industrial Ltd has been supplying the best 3D glasses and specialty 3D optics in the world since its set-up in 2007. Whether you're looking to buy specific types of 3D Glasses, ChromaDepth and Holiday Specs or any other of our endless 3D glasses options, you can be confident that we are the best in the business. The 3D Maker has an endless variety of 3D glasses for everyone to enjoy. Need 3d glasses? Unihank Industrial Ltd 3D Maker is your one stop solution for all of your 3D Glasses n

Dongguan Unihank Industrial Ltd / 广东 / No. 3, 1st Street, Tangjiao Village, Changping Town, Donggua ( ) / 电话:13763206793

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